Construction Management Services


With Fiegen Construction, you gain a trusted partner committed to delivering projects with expertise, organization and attention to every detail.

What Is Construction Management?

Construction management is a project delivery system that brings together the necessary people, materials and equipment to facilitate a project's moving parts for a smooth and successful build.

Why Choose Us?

  • Cost Control and Predictability – CMr offers a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) early in the process, which provides a clear budget and reduces the risk of cost overruns, giving owners more predictability in terms of project expenses.
  • Collaboration and Design Input - The CM is involved early in the project, during the design phase, and can provide valuable input regarding constructability, cost estimation, and schedule.
  • Faster Project Delivery - Overlapping the design and construction phases, CMr allows for faster project delivery, reducing overall project duration by starting construction before the entire design is finalized.
  • Reduced Risk - As the project progresses, any cost or schedule deviations are the responsibility of the CM, not the owner, ensuring fewer surprises and less direct risk exposure.
  • Improved Quality Control and Accountability - The CMr delivery method encourages clear accountability for both design and construction quality, ensuring that the project meets the owner’s expectations and requirements.

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