Fiegen Construction was selected to construct new homes for two University of South Dakota (USD) Greek chapters–Alpha Xi Delta (AXiD) sorority and Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity. Both groups had outgrown their aging dormitories in Vermillion, South Dakota and would need larger facilities to welcome new students.
The Alpha Xi Delta chapter was established at USD in 1903 with the mission of inspiring women to realize their full potential. As membership grew, the sorority moved into a house at 214 North Plum Street in 1935. Since then, more than 1,000 members have called it home. When demolition of the old structure was performed in 2017 to make room for the new sorority house, members of the Greek community, USD administration and Alpha Xi Delta alumnae were in attendance.
“Rebuilding our house at 214 North Plum has special meaning for all of our alumnae,” says Chapter President Ashley Meiners. “This is the place where memories are made.”